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Wrong Number, Right Person! One day I decided to contact some of my former clients that I had not seen for a while in order to introduce some new material we had. So I called Kelly, but the lady at the other end of the line informed me she was not the person I was looking for. However, we continued talking and I think we liked each other's voice and accent so much we arranged to meet three hours later.
Patty was happy to see me. She had been living in town for almost 12 months with her two lovely daughters, one and eight years old. She was a very lonely person, under a lot of stress due to her introverted personality. She hasn't been able to make friends here and she was thrilled that I visited her without even knowing who she was. She was a Greek Orthodox lady, who saw the importance of our publications and placed an order for the Family Lifestyle Series. I had the privilege of praying for her and the girls and also had a hug.
She asked me if I went to church, and of course I said yes. She said it was too complicated to go to her church because it is not on every week and she wouldn't mind going to my church, even though she belonged to a different religion. I explained about the day we meet, which is on Saturdays, and about Sabbath school for the girls. She said, “That will be great. My eight year old loves the Bible stories. I look for those kinds of books every time I visit a second hand shop.”
Isn't our God good? He places in our hearts the desire to do His will and gives us the ability to go and find His children who are lonely and discouraged. I feel honoured that God has called me to work with Him to bring happiness where there is sadness, and light where there is darkness. Praise God for His leading! - Noemi Cumminqs, Southern Area
Note: Here is some suggested reading. Please read Church of Satan and sun worship and paganism in the Christian Church to see why scripture refers to the Catholic Church as Babylon. Then read was the Sabbath changed to Sunday and you will understand how and why the Sabbath was changed. This site on 666 and the number of the beast will knock your socks off with the mind blowing truth on the real origin of 666 that started with Babylon but now applies to a man at the head of the Catholic Church. The secret rapture reveals the truth on the second coming of Jesus and the origin of this heretical teaching. [l1]
- Revelations Antichrist
- Gods Bible Remnant Church
- The Secret Church Rapture
- Bible Glossolalia Truth
- Antichrist Mark of the Beast
- Bible Studies
- Secret Rapture Revealed
- The Commandments of God
- Is America Mystery Babylon
- Antichrist Bible Truth
- Is Catholic Church Antichrist
- Seventh Day Sabbath
- Sabbath Bible
- Bible Prophecy And America
- Ten Commandments Truth
- 1000 Year Reign
- Bible Seal of God
- The Truth on Antichrist
- Bible Armageddon Battle
- How to Worship
- Bible Glossolalia Truth
- Second Coming of Jesus
- Bible Armageddon Battle
- Antichrist Mark of the Beast
- The Holy Bible Truth
- Bible Glossolalia Truth
- The Truth on Antichrist
- Secret Rapture Revealed
- Antichrist Mark of the Beast
- Great Mystery Babylon
- Christian Sites
- Mark of the Beast 666
- 10 Bible Commandments
- Mark of the Beast 666
- Speaking in Tongues Truth
- Seventh Day Bible Sabbath
- The Bible Commandments
- The Commandments Abolished
- The Second Coming of Christ
- What are the Ten Commandments
- Ten Commandments for Children
- Colossians 2:16 Commentary
- Seventh Day Bible Sabbath
- Ceremonial Law Truth
- The Forbidden Fruit
- Bible End Times
- Sabbath Seventh Day Truth
- Are the Commandments Relevant
- Bible Prophecy Revealed
- Seventh Day Bible Sabbath
- Mark of the Beast 666
- Seventh Day Sabbath
- Mark of Beast
- Bible End Time Signs
- 10 Bible Commandments
- Bible Armageddon Battle
- Were the Commandments nailed to the cross
- The Bible Commandments
- 10 Bible Commandments
- Hell Fire Truth
John 5:28-29 Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice, And shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation.
Psalms 115:17 The dead praise not the LORD, neither any that go down into silence.
Good Sites
- The Ten Commandments
- What Happens when we Die
- Revelations Two Witnesses
- Mark From The Beast
- Sabbath to Sunday Change
- Colossians 2:16 Study
- Abomination Of Desolation
- Who Changed The Sabbath
- The 70 Weeks of Daniel
- Speaking In Tongues
- What Day is The Sabbath
- The Sabbath Day Truth
- Wiccan Wicca Witchcraft
- Who Is The Antichrist
- Who is Mystery Babylon
- Wednesday Crucifixion
- Secret Rapture Theory
- The Battle Of Armageddon
- 1000 Year Millennium
- Who is the Remnant Church
- 666 Number Of The Beast
- Sabbath New Testament
- The Mark Of The Beast
- False Teachers & Teachings